Now my beloved, step down from your chariot, and let not your foot, my lord, touch the Earth. Servants, let there be spread before the house he never expected to see, where Justice leads him in, a crimson path.
"I am a mortal man, I cannot trample upon these tinted splendours without fear thrown in my path".
(Agamemnon to Clytemnestra)
The Uncarpeted Reality.
The carpeted space is veneered with the colour of our interior, outwardly accessible and yet isolated from the location of its common ground, the inhabitants and their mutual gaze occupy a shared totality.
Secular temples; The Ineffable Space (Courbusier) and the Tabula Rasa of the cinema screen.
On Malibu Beach by Alpha Lima Hotel
An old Collie Dog with a (rich or poor) Dude,
Lived in a house or lived on the beach -
Can"t tell
Well, his dog stared at me for a long time,
then he came up behind me
and poked me in the bum.
It was very funny, the man apologised.
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Davids Morning stroll. On uncarpeted ground, a Rebus in Beverly Hills accompanies the local news, where the news vender wanders the poiesis slumbers,
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